Abstract Submission Form
Available from May 8th to August 31st

Click here to jump abstract submission form (link to external website)
Guide for Authors
Following information is required to complete abstract submission.
- Sessions
- Paper Title
- 200 Words Abstract*
- Author Information (Name, Affiliation, e-mail, Membership)
- Presentation (Oral, Poster)
- Corresponding Person (Name, Affiliation, Membership, e-mail ,TEL, Country, Address)
- Agreement for presentation
* Text only (no figures, tables). ICSST2023 will not publish an extended abstract book (proceedings).
Technical Sessions
A) Thermodynamics / Transport Properties / Molecular Simulation
B) Crystallization / Precipitation
C) Distillation / Absorption / Adsorption
D) Membrane Separation / Fluid-solid Separation
E) Extraction / Supercritical Fluid Technology
F) New Separation Process & Materials
Instruction for Presentation (PDF)
Oral Presentation
In principle, the total time allocated to each speaker for the standard presentation is 20 minutes (30 minutes for plenary lectures) including discussion and change of speakers. Please leave 5 minutes for question and answer. The presentation and Q&A times may vary depending on the session. Please follow the instructions provided by the session organizer for details on presentation times and methods.
Speakers are required to bring their own computer with HDMI connectivity. Please make the presentation by using your own computer. It is recommended to prepare a copy of presentation data (MS PowerPoint, PDF) in USB for unexpected trouble.
Poster Presentation
Panels for posters have a width of 900 mm and a height of 2100 mm. For the sake of readability, we recommend authors to prepare posters roughly with size of A0 (841 mm×1189 mm).